Thursday, March 24, 2011

Phyllis Journal #9

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Had an appointment for a trim on my hair this morning. Today is picture day. We had picture today for Sea Salts (our name for lifelong learners). Then this afternoon we had a picture of everyone on the whole ship. That is a lot of people gathered in one spot. Tonight we met with several groups to reflect what we saw in India. It was very interesting to hear what everyone’s opinion was. Then they served us cookies and milk. Went to bed at 10:00 PM as I am still exhausted from our trip. We had very little sleep. It will take a few days to catch up.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
This morning we have global studies. We will hear more about Tsunami off Japan. It sounds like many people are hurt , died or disappeared completely. It was a horrible tragedy. Have not heard yet if we will be going there. This afternoon we watched the movie, “Water”. It is about India and was very interesting. Tonight after dinner the crew from this ship puts on a show for us. It was eleven different performances. Some of singing, orchestra and dances. Mostly very funny and entertaining. Turned clocks ahead one hour again tonight.

Monday, March 14, 2011
Today I am still tired and we turn clocks ahead again one hour. Went to breakfast and came back to my room and slept. Tonight we turn clocks back one hour again. We are now 13 hours ahead of Minnesota. This afternoon I have been reading my book. Just still feel really tired today but will catch up on sleep tonight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tomorrow we go to Singapore. It is a country not a city. It is supposed to be very beautiful. We will only be there for the day. It will be hot and humid. We got the green sheet telling us about it. We are going on a city orientation to see the city. We have to get our passport stamped in morning before we get off of the ship. Watched movies of Vietnam tonight in our room as this is our next stop.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
We are now in Singapore. It is a beautiful country. We left and went on a bus tour to see the sights here. Everything is very clean and green here. They have beautiful churches, temples and mosques here. They also have two casinos here which you can go into and play. It is free for visitors. If you live here it costs you $100 to get in the door. If you want to buy a car it is $100,000 for a permit to buy. After the tour Carol and I went to Seaport Shopping Center. Went to McDonalds for lunch. Tasted very American to me. The place was packed. They also have Starbucks coffee and Subway. It is very Americanized. Highlights – Raffles Hotel (home of the Singapore Sling drink) cost is $25 for one – Chinatown, nice art work – Three towers 55 stories high – subway system – shuttles $6.00 – Botanic Gardens with very pretty flowers, especially orchids and taxis which are reasonable to use. There are restaurants everywhere to eat and food is safe to eat. Very modern place. I enjoyed.

Thursday, March 17, 2011
St. Patrick’s Day – Played hand and foot with new partners today. Really enjoyed at 5:30 PM the faculty treated us to drinks and snacks. We had some St. Patrick’s Day dancing and singing. We all had on something green – mostly shirts and scarves. It was very festive and we all enjoyed. We are now going to Taiwan instead of Japan. Right now they really have their problems and they don’t need us there to add to their problems. Anyway it was a fun day.

Friday, March 18, 2011
Went to exercise this morning. Then started a new book, “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Stenbeck. I read this book 50 years ago. The epic story of the Joad’s family migration from the Oklahoma dust bowl to the promised land of California during the great depression years. Then this afternoon I played hand and foot with Linda, Carol, Laura and myself. At 4:30 we had meeting on Vietnam. Ho Chi Ming City. At 5:30 PM Boyd, Betty and I had our extended family for a pizza party. At 7:30 we received the green sheet and what to expect in Vietnam. Very busy day.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
We arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam also known as Saigon. This afternoon we went on a city orientation tour. The guide speaks English and explained things that we saw in English. They have many shopping centers and lots to buy. They use dong but I used mostly American dollars and they seem willing to take them. Everyone here drives motor scooters and they go in every direction along with taxis, buses, and autos. They do not pay attention to people walking and you take your chances when crossing the street. They do not speak much English and we do not speak their language. But I think they want to be westernized.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
This morning we had to be up at 4:15 AM and depart for the airport. We flew to Hanoi and had lunch there. Transferred to Halong and had dinner in local restaurant. Stayed overnight at Ha Long Grand Hotel in Ha Long Bay. Visited burial site in Hanoi of Ho Chi Minh. Actually saw him in coffin. Also saw Presidential Palace where warfare was conducted. Also saw house where he lived from May 1958 to August 1969. Also saw war rooms in the palace and place where his cars are kept and phones for warfare.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Check out of hotel. Depart for four hour boat ride in Halong Bay including seafood lunch on board. Lunch was served with white dishes, white tablecloths and red napkins. Very festive and good. Also on board they were selling real pearls, other jewelry, neck scarves, and fancy bags to put jewelry or other trinkets in. Boats came alongside and hitched to our boat to sell food – pineapple, bananas, etc. Halong Bay is beautiful. Check in hotel and dinner at restaurant and then water puppet show. Overnight at Star View Hotel.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Breakfast, check out of hotel and depart for Hanoi City tour including Quan Thanh Temple. Also went to war museum – American planes crashed and burned and also American tanks, guns, etc. Brought back many memories of war years there. Then drive to airport for Vietnam Airlines flight to Saigon. Next a bus trip back to the ship. It was a very busy trip but also interesting.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This morning Carol and I took the shuttle bus from the ship to downtown Rex Hotel where we walked to a shopping center. Then from there we walked to a pedicure place and I had a pedicure and Carol had a pedicure and a manicure. It cost me $15 including a $5 tip. That was pretty cheap compared to what you pay in MN. We are now going to get ready for China and the Great Wall.

1 comment:

  1. You must have docked at the same place that we did in 1999! I remember the Rex Hotel.

    Julie and I are going to have a stack of books for you when you get back that we have been finishing since you've been gone! Hope you enjoy reading Grapes of Wrath again! I liked that one a lot when I read it.
