Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dominica #2

Monday, January 17th
This afternoon Joe Bender, Carol and I hired a taxi driver to take us around the island. He said Dominica is called the Nature Island. He told us it is men’s paradise because there are seven women to every man. It rains 300 days a year and up to 350 to 400 inches every year. 70% of the island is rainforest. 60% of the people are Catholic. Our driver’s name was Justin and said he is a “pothole dodger”. After riding around the island, it is easy to see why the driver’s have given themselves that name. The roads are very narrow, windy and not in very good condition.

We started our drive around one o’clock just as school was letting out in Roseau. The kids all looked so clean and neat in their school uniforms. I was anxious to get some pictures of them but didn’t have a chance. As we made our way up the mountain to a little village called Trafalgar we came upon a school with lots of children standing out front. Justin asked if I would like to stop to get some pictures. Of course I was the first one out of the car. As I walked up to the primary school I noticed some pillars holding up the roof and on each pillar was written one of the Character Counts six “pillars”. I couldn’t believe it. I really wished Dave had been along as he would have loved it. I took as many pictures as I could. The principal asked if I would email the pictures to her. I will do that as soon as possible even if it isn’t until we get back home.

On the way back to Roseau Justin drove us through an area called “Little Hollywood” where he said the rich people live. I asked who the rich people were and he said they are doctors, lawyers, and business owners.

Justin then drove us along the Caribbean coast to the fishing village he is from called Scotts Head. This village is at the tip of the island where the Caribbean meets the Atlantic. He said it is the biggest fishing village on the island. He took us to a restaurant where Joe and Phyllis had a Kabuli beer which is supposed to be the best local beer. His father’s fishing boat was in the water just outside the restaurant. On the days Justin doesn’t have a driving job he goes fishing with his father in the Atlantic. While we were in the village we met his mother and father and two of his darling nieces. We also met one of his brothers.

We all had to be back on the ship by 6:00 PM and we left at 8:00 PM. We are really rocking and rolling now on our way to the Amazon. That’s it for now.


  1. Very interesting, Jean! Thanks for sharing! My students that are following you guys checked the literacy rate for Dominica and found it was 94%. Must be from those strict schools! I wish I had the freedom to go to my students' houses when they are absent!

  2. Sound like you guys are having so much fun! Was it my mom Carol, or your daughter-in-law Carol who went with you in the taxi?

  3. Happy Birthday Jean! Wish I could send you a card with a picture of you from you teenage years!!! ;)
