Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aquila Safari Private Game Reserve

We had to get up early this morning and be outside at the pier by 6:15 AM to get on the bus and ride for two hours to Aquila Game Preserve. There were enough people signed up for this trip that we had two buses full. We started our journey and the guide received a phone call that we needed to stop at a gas station and wait for a taxi that was bringing a student that had overslept. They told us this would be our bathroom stop and we had only been traveling about fifteen minutes but everybody got off the bus and went in and used the facility and bought coffee etc. The ship dining room was open at 5:30 this morning so we ate there before we left.

We arrived at the game preserve and everyone had to sign an indemnity form which was kind of alarming. We then were taken into the restaurant and they had a breakfast buffet prepared for us, which was not expected and of course we sat right down and ate big time. At 10:00 we were loaded into 4 by 4 jeeps that seated about 20 people and our “safari” began. We saw several animals - elephants, giraffe, zebras, springbok, cape buffalo, antelope, rhinoceros, ostrich, wildebeest and hippopotamus. Then we stopped at an oasis in the field and they served us our choice of either sparkling wine or sparkling grape juice.

Then we went into another area where there are two male lions that are kept separate from the rest of the animals as they don’t want them to eat the show. They feed these two lions about three times a week - usually about three to five chickens and they split a donkey or beef and then they also catch rabbits etc on their own.

Then we went to a Animal Rescue Area where they have rescued animals that have been shot but not killed. The guide told us that you can go on the internet and sign up to shoot an animal from the comfort of your own home. The people who sign up to do this through the internet do not want the animal, they just want the thrill of shooting a big game animal. Big thrill I guess. These rescued animals are being rehabilitated and then they will be released into the rest of the game reserve to live out their lives in peace. Those animals there were a cheetah, lions, crocodiles and warthogs.

After our “safari” we went back into the restaurant and had a buffet lunch. I am afraid I have gained some weight! Did some shopping in the gift shop and then it was time for the two hour bus ride back to the ship.


  1. Sounds like a neat experience Carol! Thanks for the update! I always have fun reading them even though I don't always comment.

  2. Hey Mom! Sounds fun. Did you take any pictures? We would love to see some wild life!
