Monday, February 21, 2011


I changed a setting on the blog so that anyone who was having trouble commenting before should be able to now. The easiest way to comment is, under "comment as," to select "Name/URL." Then you can type your name and leave the URL blank, then select "continue" to type your comment. Let me know if you have trouble.


  1. Hey Becky, I tried to go to the ships schedule and it said I had to log in. Not sure why that changed, I think I could see it before. And, are there any more SAS videos for us to see like the one you posted before? =)

  2. Thanks for letting me know, Amy! You should be able to click on the ship's schedule now and see it.

    I have not seen any videos lately, but I got the first one from the SAS blog, which you can view here:

  3. Hi Phyl, Got your note yesterday & immediately E-mailed Jodi & she sent me your Blog address. Just spent about an hour reading all of them & looking at pictures. It looks like you all are having a wonderful time and, oh, how lucky you all are to have this experience, I'm jealous. E-mail me, sometime, if you get the chance. I shall continue to look on your blog and keep up with your trip. All the pic's are wonderful. Miss you & hang on to those railings in rough seas. Love, Dord
