Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Operation Hunger in Cape Town

While in Cape Town we took a field trip to three different locations. First we picked up our guide, Christina, and spent the morning at a day care with sixty children. Our group weighed and charted each child for a nutrition surveillance  program. Then we moved on to Cape Flats, an "Informal Settlement". John Nichols, Project Chairman of Operation Breadline, has set up a library in a cargo container with donated books. His home is a safe haven for hungry, lonely and malnourished children. He cooks a hot meal on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sandwiches the rest of the week. Kids come right from school and stay to eat and do homework. He also engages them in other activities, such as sports, music and always there for them. John receives no help from government. Relies on donations only. On to a squatter camp on the outskirts of Cape Town where Muriel runs a soup kitchen out of her home to feed the children whose parents are working at menial labor in fields of the wealthy. many others have no work and alcohol, crime, and abuse is rampant. We were amazed at the poverty and squalor and again realize how fortunate we are.

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